Source code for nerodia.elements.check_box

import six

from .html_elements import InputCollection
from .input import Input
from ..meta_elements import MetaHTMLElement

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(MetaHTMLElement) class CheckBox(Input): @property def is_set(self): """ Returns True if the element is checked :rtype: bool """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.is_selected()) is_checked = is_set
[docs] def set(self, value=True): """ Sets checkbox to the given value :param value: True to check, False to uncheck :Example: checkbox = browser.checkbox(id='new_user_interests_cars') checkbox.is_set #=> false checkbox.set() checkbox.is_set #=> true checkbox.set(False) checkbox.set #=> false """ self._assert_enabled() if self.is_set == value else
check = set
[docs] def clear(self): self.set(value=False)
uncheck = clear
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(MetaHTMLElement) class CheckBoxCollection(InputCollection): pass