Source code for nerodia.elements.element

from inspect import getmembers, isroutine, stack
from re import search, sub

import six
from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotInteractableException, \
    NoSuchWindowException, StaleElementReferenceException
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains

import nerodia
from nerodia.adjacent import Adjacent
from nerodia.browser import Browser
from nerodia.container import Container
from nerodia.elements.scroll import Scrolling
from nerodia.exception import Error, NoMatchingWindowFoundException, ObjectDisabledException, \
    ObjectReadOnlyException, UnknownFrameException, UnknownObjectException
from nerodia.js_execution import JSExecution
from nerodia.js_snippet import JSSnippet
from nerodia.locators.class_helpers import ClassHelpers
from nerodia.locators.element.selector_builder import SelectorBuilder
from nerodia.user_editable import UserEditable
from nerodia.wait.wait import TimeoutError, Waitable
from nerodia.window import Dimension, Point

[docs]class Element(ClassHelpers, JSExecution, Container, JSSnippet, Waitable, Adjacent, Scrolling): ATTRIBUTES = [] CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTES = ['accept', 'accept_charset', 'align', 'alink', 'axis', 'bgcolor', 'charset', 'checked', 'clear', 'codetype', 'color', 'compact', 'declare', 'defer', 'dir', 'direction', 'disabled', 'enctype', 'face', 'frame', 'hreflang', 'http_equiv', 'lang', 'language', 'link', 'media', 'method', 'multiple', 'nohref', 'noresize', 'noshade', 'nowrap', 'readonly', 'rel', 'rev', 'rules', 'scope', 'scrolling', 'selected', 'shape', 'target', 'text', 'type', 'valign', 'valuetype', 'vlink'] keyword = None _content_editable = None _selector_builder = None _element_matcher = None _locator = None def __init__(self, query_scope, selector): self.query_scope = query_scope if not isinstance(selector, dict): raise TypeError('invalid argument: {!r}'.format(selector)) self.el = selector.pop('element', None) if self.el and len(set(selector) - {'tag_name'}) > 0: nerodia.logger.deprecate("'element' locator to initialize a relocatable Element", '#cache=', ids=['element_cache']) self.selector = selector if self.el is None: @property def exists(self): """ Returns True if element exists, False otherwise Checking for staleness is deprecated :rtype: bool """ try: if self._located and self.stale: self.reset() elif self._located: return True self.assert_exists() return True except (UnknownObjectException, UnknownFrameException): return False exist = exists def __repr__(self): string = '#<{}: '.format(self.__class__.__name__) if self.keyword: string += 'keyword: {} '.format(self.keyword) string += 'located: {}; '.format(self._located) if not self.selector: string += '{element: (selenium element)}' else: string += self.selector_string string += '>' return string def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns True if two elements are equal :param other: other element to compare :rtype: bool """ return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.wd == other.wd eql = __eq__ def __hash__(self): return self.el.__hash__() if self._located else super(Element, self).__hash__() @property def text(self): """ Returns the text of the element :rtype: str """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.text) @property def tag_name(self): """ Returns the tag name of the element :rtype: str """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.tag_name).lower()
[docs] def click(self, *modifiers): """ Clicks the element, optionally while pressing the given modifier keys. Note that support for holding a modifier key is currently experimental, and may not work at all. :param modifiers: modifier keys to press while clicking :Example: Click an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').click() :Example: Click an element with shift key pressed from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys browser.element(name='new_user_button').click(Keys.SHIFT) :Example: Click an element with several modifier keys pressed from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys browser.element(name='new_user_button').click(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.CONTROL) """ def method(): if modifiers: action = ActionChains(self.driver) for mod in modifiers: action.key_down(mod) for mod in modifiers: action.key_up(mod) action.perform() else: self._element_call(method, self.wait_for_enabled)
[docs] def js_click(self): """ Simulates JavaScript click event on element. :Example: Click an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').js_click() """ self.fire_event('click')
[docs] def double_click(self): """ Double clicks the element. Note that browser support may vary. :Example: Double-click an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').double_click() """ self._element_call(lambda: ActionChains(self.driver).double_click(self.el) .perform(), self.wait_for_present)
[docs] def js_double_click(self): """ Simulates JavaScript double click event on element. :Example: Click an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').js_double_click() """ self.fire_event('dblclick')
[docs] def right_click(self, *modifiers): """ Right clicks the element, optionally while pressing the given modifier keys. Note that support for holding a modifier key is currently experimental, and may not work at all. Also, the browser support may vary. :Example: Right click an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').right_click() :Example: Right click an element with shift key pressed browser.element(name='new_user_button').right_click(nerodia.Keys.SHIFT) :Example: Click an element with several modifier keys pressed browser.element(name='new_user_button').right_click(nerodia.Keys.SHIFT, nerodia.Keys.ALT) """ def _right_click(): action = ActionChains(self.driver) if len(modifiers) > 0: for mod in modifiers: action.key_down(mod) action.context_click(self.el) for mod in modifiers: action.key_up(mod) action.perform() else: action.context_click(self.el).perform() self._element_call(_right_click, self.wait_for_present)
[docs] def hover(self): """ Moves the mouse to the middle of this element Note that browser support may vary :Example: Hover over an element browser.element(name='new_user_button').hover() """ self._element_call(lambda: ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(self.el) .perform(), self.wait_for_present)
[docs] def drag_and_drop_on(self, other): """ Drag and drop this element on to another element instance Note that browser support may vary :param other: element to drop on :Example: Drag an element onto another a = browser.div(id='draggable') b = browser.div(id='droppable') a.drag_and_drop_on(b) """ self._assert_is_element(other) value = self._element_call(lambda: ActionChains(self.driver) .drag_and_drop(self.el, other.wd).perform(), self.wait_for_present) return value
[docs] def drag_and_drop_by(self, xoffset, yoffset): """ Drag and drop this element by the given offsets. Note that browser support may vary. :param xoffset: amount to move horizontally :param yoffset: amount to move vertically :Example: Drag an element onto another browser.div(id='draggable').drag_and_drop_by(100, -200) """ self._element_call(lambda: ActionChains(self.driver). drag_and_drop_by_offset(self.el, xoffset, yoffset).perform(), self.wait_for_present)
[docs] def select_text(self, string): """ Selects text on page (as if dragging clicked mouse across provided text) :param string: string to select :Example: browser.legend().select_text('information') """ self._element_call(lambda: self._execute_js('selectText', self.el, string))
@property def classes(self): return self.class_name.split()
[docs] def attribute_value(self, attribute_name): """ Returns given attribute value of the element :param attribute_name: attribute to retrieve :type attribute_name: str :rtype: str :Example: browser.a(id='link_2').attribute_value('title') #=> 'link_title_2' """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.get_attribute(attribute_name))
get_attribute = attribute_value attribute = attribute_value @property def attribute_values(self): """ Returns all attribute values. Attributes with special characters are returned as String, rest are returned as a Symbol. :rtype: dict :Example: browser.pre(id='rspec').attribute_values #=> {'class': 'ruby', 'id': 'rspec' } """ result = self._element_call(lambda: self._execute_js('attributeValues', self.el)) regex = r'[a-zA-Z\-]*' for key in result: match = search(regex, key) if match and == key: result[key.replace('-', '_')] = result.pop(key) return result get_attributes = attribute_values attributes = attribute_values @property def attribute_list(self): """ Returns list of all attributes. :rtype: list :Example: browser.pre(id='rspec').attribute_list #=> ['class', 'id'] """ return list(self.attribute_values)
[docs] def send_keys(self, *args): """ Sends sequence of keystrokes to the element :param args: keystrokes to send :Example: browser.text_field(name='new_user_first_name').send_keys('nerodia') """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.send_keys(*args), self.wait_for_writable)
@property def focused(self): """ Returns True if the element is focused :rtype: bool """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el == self.driver.switch_to.active_element)
[docs] def fire_event(self, event_name): """ Simulates JavaScript events on element Note that you may omit 'on' from event name :param event_name: event to fire :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').fire_event('click') browser.button(name='new_user_button').fire_event('mousemove') browser.button(name='new_user_button').fire_event('onmouseover') """ event_name = sub(r'^on', '', str(event_name)).lower() self._element_call(lambda: self._execute_js('fireEvent', self.el, event_name))
[docs] def scroll_into_view(self): """ Scroll until the element is in the view screen :rtype: Point :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').scroll_into_view() """ nerodia.logger.deprecate('Element#scroll_into_view', 'Element#scroll methods', ids=['scroll_into_view']) return Point(**self._element_call(lambda: self.el.location_once_scrolled_into_view))
@property def location(self): """ Get the location of the element (x, y) :rtype: Point :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').location """ return Point(**self._element_call(lambda: self.el.location)) @property def size(self): """ Get the size of the element (width, height) :rtype: Dimension :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').size """ return Dimension(**self._element_call(lambda: self.el.size)) @property def height(self): """ Get the height of the element :rtype: int :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').height """ return self.size.height @property def width(self): """ Get the width of the element :rtype: int :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').width """ return self.size.width @property def center(self): """ Get the center coordinates of the element :rtype: Point :Example: browser.button(name='new_user_button').center """ location = self.location size = self.size return Point(round(location.x + size.width / 2), round(location.y + size.height / 2)) centre = center @property def driver(self): return self.query_scope.driver @property def wd(self): """ Returns underlying Selenium object of the Nerodia Element :rtype: selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement """ self.assert_exists() return self.el @property def visible(self): """ Returns true if this element is visible on the page Raises exception if element does not exist :rtype: bool """ nerodia.logger.warning('#visible behavior will be changing slightly, consider ' 'switching to #present (more details: ' '', ids=['visible_element']) displayed = self._display_check() if displayed is None and self._display_check(): nerodia.logger.deprecate('Checking `#visible is False` to determine a stale ' 'element', '`#stale is True`', ids=['stale_visible']) if displayed is None: raise self._unknown_exception return displayed @property def enabled(self): """ Returns True if the element is present and enabled on the page :rtype: bool """ return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.is_enabled(), self.assert_exists) @property def present(self): """ Returns True if the element exists and is visible on the page Returns False if the element does not exist or exists but is not visible :rtype: bool """ try: return self._display_check() except (UnknownObjectException, UnknownFrameException): return False @property def obscured(self): """ Returns if the element's center point is covered by a non-descendant element. :rtype: bool :Example: browser.button(value='Delete').obscured #=> False """ def func(): if not self.present: return True return self._execute_js('elementObscured', self) return self._element_call(func)
[docs] def style(self, prop=None): """ Returns given style property of this element :param prop: property to get :type prop: str :rtype: str :Example: browser.button(value='Delete').style #=> "border: 4px solid red;" browser.button(value='Delete').style('border') #=> "4px solid rgb(255, 0, 0)" """ if prop: return self._element_call(lambda: self.el.value_of_css_property(prop)) else: return str(self.attribute_value('style')).strip()
[docs] def to_subtype(self): """ Cast this Element instance to a more specific subtype :Example: browser.element(xpath="//input[@type='submit']").to_subtype() #=> #<Button> """ tag = self.tag_name from .button import Button from .check_box import CheckBox from .file_field import FileField from .html_elements import HTMLElement from .radio import Radio from .text_field import TextField if tag == 'input': elem_type = self.attribute_value('type') if elem_type in Button.VALID_TYPES: klass = Button elif elem_type == 'checkbox': klass = CheckBox elif elem_type == 'radio': klass = Radio elif elem_type == 'file': klass = FileField else: klass = TextField else: klass = nerodia.element_class_for(tag) or HTMLElement el = klass(self.query_scope, selector=self.selector) el.cache = self.wd return el
@property def browser(self): """ Returns browser :rtype: nerodia.browser.Browser """ return self.query_scope.browser @property def stale(self): """ Returns True if a previously located element is no longer attached to the DOM :rtype: bool """ if self.el is None: raise Error('Can not check staleness of unused element') self._ensure_context() return self.stale_in_context @property def stale_in_context(self): try: self.el.value_of_css_property('staleness_check') # any wire call checks for staleness return False except StaleElementReferenceException: return True
[docs] def reset(self): self.el = None
[docs] def locate(self): self._ensure_context() self.locate_in_context() return self
[docs] def build(self):
@property def cache(self): return self.el @cache.setter def cache(self, element): """ Set the cached element. For use when element can be relocated with the provided selector. """ self.el = element @property def selector_string(self): from ..browser import Browser if isinstance(self.query_scope, Browser): return repr(self.selector) else: return '{} --> {}'.format(self.query_scope.selector_string, self.selector)
[docs] def wait_for_exists(self): if not nerodia.relaxed_locate: return self.assert_exists() if self._located: # Performance shortcut return None try: if not isinstance(self.query_scope, Browser): self.query_scope.wait_for_exists() self.wait_until(lambda e: e.exists, element_reset=True) except TimeoutError: raise self._unknown_exception('timed out after {} seconds, waiting for {} to be ' 'located'.format(nerodia.default_timeout, self))
[docs] def wait_for_present(self): pres = self.present if not nerodia.relaxed_locate or pres: return pres try: if not isinstance(self.query_scope, Browser): self.query_scope.wait_for_present() self.wait_until(lambda e: e.present) except TimeoutError as e: raise self._unknown_exception('element located, but {}'.format(e))
[docs] def wait_for_enabled(self): from .button import Button from .input import Input from .option import Option from .select import Select if not nerodia.relaxed_locate: return self._assert_enabled() self.wait_for_exists() if not any(isinstance(self, klass) for klass in [Input, Button, Select, Option]) \ and not self._content_editable: return if self.enabled: return try: self.wait_until(lambda e: e.enabled) except TimeoutError: self._raise_disabled()
[docs] def wait_for_writable(self): self.wait_for_enabled() if not nerodia.relaxed_locate: if hasattr(self, 'readonly') and self.readonly: self._raise_writable() if not hasattr(self, 'readonly') or not self.readonly: return try: self.wait_until(lambda e: not getattr(e, 'readonly', None) or not e.readonly) except TimeoutError: self._raise_writable()
[docs] def assert_exists(self): """ Locates if not previously found; does not check for staleness for performance reasons """ if not self._located: self.locate() if not self._located: raise self._unknown_exception('unable to locate element: {}'.format(self))
[docs] def locate_in_context(self): self.el = self.locator.locate(self.selector_builder.built) return self.el
# private @property def _located(self): """ Returns if the element has previously been located :rtype: bool """ return self.el is not None @property def _raise_writable(self): raise ObjectReadOnlyException('element present and enabled, but timed out after {} ' 'seconds, waiting for {} to not be ' 'readonly'.format(nerodia.default_timeout, self)) def _raise_disabled(self): raise ObjectDisabledException('element present, but timed out after {} ' 'seconds, waiting for {} to be ' 'enabled'.format(nerodia.default_timeout, self)) def _raise_present(self): raise UnknownObjectException('element located, but timed out after {} seconds, waiting ' 'for {} to be present'.format(nerodia.default_timeout, self)) @property def _unknown_exception(self): return UnknownObjectException @property def _element_class(self): return self.__class__ def _ensure_context(self): from nerodia.elements.i_frame import IFrame if isinstance(self.query_scope, Browser) or self.query_scope._located is False or \ (self.query_scope._located is False and self.query_scope.stale): self.query_scope.locate() if isinstance(self.query_scope, IFrame): self.query_scope.switch_to() def _assert_enabled(self): if not self._element_call(lambda: self.el.is_enabled()): raise ObjectDisabledException('object is disabled {}'.format(self)) @classmethod def _assert_is_element(cls, obj): if not isinstance(obj, Element): raise TypeError('expected nerodia.Element, ' 'got {}:{}'.format(obj, obj.__class__.__name__)) def _display_check(self): """ Removes duplication in #present? & #visible? and makes setting deprecation notice easier """ check = self._display_check_retry() if check is None: return self._display_check_retry() return check def _display_check_retry(self): try: self.assert_exists() return self.el.is_displayed() except StaleElementReferenceException: self.reset() def _element_call(self, method, precondition=None): caller = stack()[1][3] already_locked = self.browser.timer.locked if not already_locked: from ..wait.timer import Timer self.browser.timer = Timer(timeout=nerodia.default_timeout) try: return self._element_call_check(precondition, method, caller) finally: nerodia.logger.debug('<- `Completed {}#{}`'.format(self, caller)) if not already_locked: self.browser.timer.reset() def _check_condition(self, condition, caller): nerodia.logger.debug('<- `Verifying precondition {}#{} for ' '{}`'.format(self, condition, caller)) try: if not condition: self.assert_exists() else: condition() nerodia.logger.debug('<- `Verified precondition ' '{}#{!r}`'.format(self, condition or 'assert_exists')) except self._unknown_exception: if condition is None: nerodia.logger.debug('<- `Unable to satisfy precondition ' '{}#{}`'.format(self, condition)) self._check_condition(self.wait_for_exists, caller) else: raise def _element_call_check(self, precondition, method, caller): nerodia.logger.debug('-> `Executing {}#{}`'.format(self, caller)) while True: try: self._check_condition(precondition, caller) return method() except self._unknown_exception as e: if precondition is None: self._element_call(method, self.wait_for_exists) msg = str(e) if self.query_scope.iframe().exists: msg += '; Maybe look in an iframe?' custom_attributes = [] if self.locator: custom_attributes = self.selector_builder.custom_attributes if custom_attributes: msg += '; Nerodia treated {!r} as a non-HTML compliant attribute, ' \ 'ensure that was intended'.format(custom_attributes) raise self._unknown_exception(msg) except StaleElementReferenceException: self.reset() self._check_condition(precondition, caller) return method() except ElementNotInteractableException: if (self.browser.timer.remaining_time <= 0) or \ (precondition not in [self.wait_for_present, self.wait_for_enabled, self.wait_for_writable]): self._raise_present() continue except NoSuchWindowException: raise NoMatchingWindowFoundException('browser window was closed') def __getattribute__(self, name): if search(SelectorBuilder.WILDCARD_ATTRIBUTE, name): return self.attribute_value(name.replace('_', '-')) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in (_[0] for _ in getmembers(UserEditable, predicate=isroutine)) and \ self.is_content_editable: self._content_editable = True setattr(self, name, six.create_bound_method( six.get_unbound_function(getattr(UserEditable, name)), self)) return getattr(self, name) else: raise AttributeError("Element '{}' has no attribute " "'{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__.capitalize(), name))